Monday, March 06, 2006

Here is excerpts of a recent interview with Brian Donohue:

Why Mexico?

We like Mexican people? We like Mexican food. We had established trust with the pastors built over nine years of short term trips. Visitors can fly into Tucson. Building is very inexpensive. The need along the border for God's work is huge

Why did you begin the Cuirim (k-ear-um) Outreach?

We have always dreamed of starting a ministry among the poor. We love story telling, art and song. We want to live daily in a place of great dependence on God's strength adn provision. We want lots of people to join us. We are inspired by the Irish Christians who gegan this movement in 500 AD.

There's so much in the news about Mexican Immigaration. What's your take on it?

We are wading into a desperate sea of humanity with an offer of eternal citizenship

What does the summer hold in store?

We have 140 people coming this summer. We hope to begin the library, begin a meal ministry, do several children's clubs, build a children's cafee adn set up our prayer room.

How does the Celtic theme fit in?

In the 5th century, Irish Christians developed a means of forming people in Christ's image while enagaging the culture around them. Cuirim House is smack in the middle of the community adn our focus is outward. But our intention is that all who serve withus will become more like Jesus when they leave.


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